Day 01- Fizzy drinks.

Al is going heavy on the soda as you can see.

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Starting tomorrow I will be participating in for the whole month of November! I will be following the prompt as well as adding my own food! Al my OC, is my character of choice this year!

(Reuploading this for here since I messed with preview first time around.)

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I decided this year to join starting next week! Of course- Al would be the one to jump on this chance to gorge on all types of food.

I've given myself a limit- flat colors with minimal effects in the drawings. Effects be more or less reserved for food.

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Was tut man mit Dingen, die man aus Gründen nicht beendet hat? Da mir heute die Pralinen aus wieder ins Auge gefallen sind, habe ich dann doch noch etwas dran gearbeitet.

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Heute bin ich wieder dabei beim . Gestern in die Themenliste geschaut und dann hat sich die Idee irgendwie verselbstständigt. K wie Käääääääseeeeekuchen

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🥯🥨🍟🍕🌭🍲🍒🍋🍉#nomvember This is a list of the drawings I did last year. I won't be following the list myself, but feel free to join if you're looking for another monthly challenge! 🥯🥨🍟🍕🌭🍲🍒🍋🍉

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So in the first official part of we have something both from and with who is so fucking sweet for doing this.. and feeding me =w=

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I know it might be overly simple and probably a little dumb, but I just want to heft you up and hug you like the lovable teddy bear you are! Plus I really do like giving hugs

But at the same time, maybe we could enjoy a big, hefty "meal" together. It is Nomvember after all X3

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