My precious Nunki! ❤️

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Let's welcome my new kid Nunki! <3

He is Shiba-inu, 18 years old.
A student-pharmacist medical university. His hobby home flowers and plants, those who get into his home compare this place with a greenhouse. He is very kind and cheerful.

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Hyvät pyhät – ja pyhänhäpäisijät. Joulun epistola, Suomen Kuvalehti ja Matti Simula. Erinomaista myös minunkin puolestani.

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can i have one for them ?? they're called Nunki and they're an enthusiastic and friendly alien from a distant planet !

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Trollaava Weed voi virnistellä sinunkin laukussasi. Nettimemeaiheiset Ginga-pinssit pian saatavilla!

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