10° Prompt is Woods
The oldest forests was a seed 🌿💚

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OCtember day 8!
Rue can magically crystallize his body at will, making himself more durable, offensively dangerous, faster and even heighten his senses. He's shit with most manufactured weapons, but is a skilled survivalist and adept in using primal magic.

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And another catchup for This is my first ever OC Mark, who was my X-men OC back when I was probably 7? Who over several decades turned into Ryan who was my OC from day 1.

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Another prompt! This time “Friends.” I can’t talk about OC friendships without talking about Tom and Roger. These two ex-Plasma grunts went from the protagonists of a contest oneshot to recurring characters just for being fun. I should write about them again sometime.

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Week 1 of a New Challenge I saw going around called OC September [OCtember] which quite literally means draw an OC of yours everyday for the entire month. This week basically included half of my dutch angel dragons. xD I hope y'all like them!! [1/2]

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It's Octember so I at least wanna draw an OC if not joining the actual list

My Cheshire Boy Sarro

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An OC Concept. This was Red and Vlad's art and design back in 2016. Red was born as a player character when I made my first game. Then I created Vlad for my comic Fable Friends. <more history inside thread>

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OCtember day 6!

Rue generally comes off as very smug and confident and is ready to throw down at basically any time. He's a really emotional person, but doesn't know how to process very well. He always feels in extremes, either REALLY happy or REALLY angry.

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🌈octember day 3 - least loved (not actually lol)🌈
I never draw Tessa and I feel bad cause I really do love her!! So here she is haha! I also really like drawing strawberries and rainbows lol ❤️

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OCtember day 4!
Leonato Salvaras is my most developed OC by FAR. I can slip into his character like a second skin and his story has the most narrative detail.
He's an Aasimar Vampire, Master of Wizardry and irresponsibly dabbles in other fields of science.

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5° Prompt is Berserker
Just Erik and Ian and blood.

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More catchup for I designed Petyr to be an piece of shit no one would like, but the more I developed the story and his relationship with other characters, the more I started to sympathize with him.

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