I, too, say Thumbs Up instead of, you know, putting my thumb up. 👍🏻

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Narrator: Not this again. 😣

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How often has Steve said THIS to Bucky? Also, Bucky’s a bit too enthusiastic at the idea of stripping in public. 😳

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This made me laugh more than it should.

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If anyone ever doubts that Vader is a representation for Hitler, please show them this panel.

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Since he and Bucky broke up, Cap has to double his YAHOO enthusiasm.

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The general’s kidnappers are into some kinky stuff. 😏

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The general of the US Army hopped into some rando’s car when he got to London, so clearly we’re all in good hands here.

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Bucky, please leave the army. This is not healthy.

Spoiler: a four page ad to buy war bonds bc the rest of this book wasn’t enough.

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Oof, I know patriotism during WWII was much different than any I’ve seen in my life time, but... eyeshadow.

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Only appropriate way to utilize the widest banister EVER.

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Yeah, this seems totes normal. I really hope master of disguise Red Skull is in there.

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Ha ha, your army superior hates you and makes you jump out an airplane with your underage buddy. The army is fun.

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