Pudding AND a drink, what more could you ask for?

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Now that October is upon us it's time to start planning those Halloween outfits.

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We'll all be planning that route
We're gonna take real soon
We're waxing down our surfboards
We can't wait for june
We'll all be gone for the summer
We're on surfari to stay
Tell the teacher we're surfin'
Surfin' U.S.A

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Fear hung in the darkness, but the light chased it away.

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I think we're going to need a bigger tent.

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Don't forget to check in with your friends and family this week. A little bit of support goes a long way.

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Topiary or not topiary, that is the question.

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Dinosaurs chomp ice-creams like they're going out of fashion.

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With Wimbledon just around the corner. Game faces on. Tennis roars out.

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Yoga is so much easier with someone to lean on. Also a cheesy metaphor for life.

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