

1 9

Y debajo de esa actitud un tanto caótica de Velvet, esconde un gran corazón que siempre se preocupa de los que más quiere.

0 5


0 3

Os presento a Velvet (), la pilla, vivaracha y lianta exploradora y a Karim (), el afable, bonachón y leal caballero.

0 6

Весь отпуск провели с парнем в дивинити и я ни о чем не жалею 🥴

3 50

I have no idea when i end them soo lile wips i can show👀👀

1 11

what the hecc how did siggy shrink the red prince let him go

36 178

The Red Prince: Did you expect you could take me by surprise that way? Do you know, who I am? Oh, why am I asking, of course, you do

Narrator: Red-scale lizard slowly moved his arm at his expensive khepesh which he always kept by his side

146 593

0 (Vol 1, 2014)



1 4

это Шардакс (но мы зовем его Шарик) и он умеет разговаривать со зверями (правда звери его унижают хд)

1 19

day 17: Flamboyant
Appropriate character, as I literally cosplayed her today at Motor City Comic Con!
Lohse from Divinity Original Sin 2, made by

0 3

! I chose to draw Lohse from She was a vessel once or still is depending what choices you took.

4 12

for the turns 5 today! From dialogue to quests, it's what we considered the "complete package." How complete? Well, check out our review below! (hint, it's a good one!)

Review: https://t.co/PwZjmNhyUG

0 12

Finally came home, but I don't have enough ideas
I keep having fun in the Divinity
go go go elfs

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