Here’s the work I have in showcase. Very thrilled to make some connections this winter! Lovely art everyone!

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You have a PASSION for so make a COMMITMENT to writing reviews. You just might find a life-long LOVE.

Make a DATE with MAC & CHEESE by & .

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Not quite since I will finish in paper sculpture, but here’s the early stages of my Marmot studies, clean drawing, grey scale comp, color comp.

l love marmots!

Watch for the final during

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A2pt2: I’ve got my debut author illustrated picture book - THE VANISHING LAKE publishing with on the 20th April, and my second one DODOS AREN’T EXTINCT coming in Spring 2022, which I’m super excited about!

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Q1 pt8:

...I must admit at the time I wrote it I didn’t realise there WERE any REAL LIFE damsel dragon slayers, but it turns out there were! (Well, if you happen to believe in dragons that is...)

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A1pt6: ...but all his advice is a little rusty. We eventually went with a younger knight who *thinks* he knows all there is to know about dragons, but really he’s just bought himself an oversized suit of armour, a map and is heading off on his first dragon expedition.

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We made it to Wednesday! The week ends today right? Happy holiday!

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Oh and

A Hungry Lion, or A Dwindling Assortment of Animals

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If anyone knows an agent or publisher who’s interested in a holiday picture book that wants to give an author/illustrator a chance to prove herself please send them my way! 😊🙏🏼🌲❄️

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The carousel at Washington D.C.'s mall has a rich history in my family but I never knew about ITS history before reading 's A RIDE TO REMEMBER.

Now I get to hear her at ’s

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IT'S HERE! The Enchanted Island Preschool, by , is available NOW on Amazon in print and ebook. I can't thank you guys enough for helping to make this possible!

If you purchase it, please leave a review :D

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This character is one that T and I owe a lot to! Breaking rules and boundaries!

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