While there is no known cause or cure of PCOS in western medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine & yoga have some very helpful offerings that can help you help yourself & your students. Our online Womens Health Yoga Teacher Training is open for enrollment!


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I know the twitter crop is going to eat this but whatever lol Doctors first found my ovarian cysts when I was 18, and now PCOS impacts my life in ways I never could have dreamed of. I try and teach as many ppl about as I can- Get yourself checked out!

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Hell yeah extra hair and unibrow squad 👌 I have pcos so I also have a HUGE neckbeard, but a peachy fuzz moustache.

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Untreated PMDD, PCOS, & gender dysphoria are kicking my ass -- especially since my new gynecologist recently deemed me a terrible candidate for both surgery & HRT 💔

Wish I could just take estradiol or jettison my yeeterus without high risk of death by blood clots or hypoxia 💀

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this is 2 days growth thanks to not helped by and yes I have to shave...#naturalhairywoman

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I’ll start!!

My name is Shay/More, I have Hurthle Cell Carcinoma/PCOS and I draw anime and cartoons! (mostly JJBA) I’m in college and I love gaming 24/7

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Hi fun fact about me:

I will sometimes literately drink a gallon of water daily because being thirsty all the time is a side effect of my PCOS

(also am always thirsty for them cuties ya know what im sayin ;) ;) )

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I'm going to draw Jane Crocker with a PCOS 'stashe and NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!!

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Hey! I'm Aurora 💖 I have PCOS. And it's no fun cause I cannot take birth control to help control it a lil. Cause I'm allergic to all birth controls 🙃 but at least I have art to help cope!

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MmmmmMMM someone send snacks and a heat pack. My PCOS is really bad this round as my period is coming and not even midol helped. Blood moon is unforgiving.

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จะเล่าประสบการณ์เป็นโรค PCOS ให้ฟัง เพรานึกได้พรุ่งนี้จะไปหาหมอ ไม่รู้ว่าจะแย่ลงมั้ย 5555 เริ่มแรกเลยก็คือ ตอน ปจด มาใหม่ๆ ช่วง ป.5 เราเมนมาทั้งเดือนแบบทุกวัน 30 วันจนซีด ไปพบหมอ หมอให้ทานยา ก็หยุด แต่หลังจากนั้นจนตอนนี้ ปจด มาไม่ปกติอีกเลย จนตอนปี 4 เรามีเหตุบังเอิญต้องไปหาหมอ

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Excited to finally share this huge piece I've been working on this semester!

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