Ristar (1995, Sega) - Genesis/Mega Drive

RPi Emulator vs. PVM-20L2MD RGB

I am stunned by the way the CRT's deeper contrast transforms the purples and blues here.

113 629

Breath of Fire (1993, Capcom) - SNES

Raw Pixels vs. PVM-20L2MD S-Video

Breath of Fire's emulated color palette always felt off to me and now I completely understand why.

780 4720

Contra III: The Alien Wars (1992, Konami) - SNES

Raw Pixels vs. PVM-20L2MD S-Video

Really loving what the CRT does for the metallic gradient on Bill's guns here!

87 587

The grey of the PVM is actually probably more accurate to the original colors of the SNES game, given that it has such a light palette. I also could make it darker, but I keep my PVM a little lighter to compensate for the camera. This is probably closer to what it should be tbh.

1 12

Mega Man X (1993, Capcom) - SNES

Raw Pixels vs. PVM-20L2MD S-Video

Mega Man X is quickly becoming another one of my favorite CRT examples.

1458 7086

Final Fight 3 (1995, Capcom) - SNES

Raw Pixels vs. PVM-20L2MD S-Video

Mayor Mike Haggar introduces his new public transit initiative.

33 205

Super Castlevania IV (1991, Konami) - SNES

PC Emulator vs.
PVM-20L2MD RGB vs.
PVM-20L2MD S-Video vs.
PVM-20L2MD Composite

Do not ask me to choose a favorite input. I love all of my big himbo sons equally.

23 152

Dragon Quest III (1996, Enix) - Super Famicom

Raw Pixels vs. PVM-20L2MD S-Video

Play Dragon Quest.

152 514

Metal Slug (1996, SNK) - Neo Geo

Raw Pixels vs PVM-20L2MD RGB

This game is so beautiful no matter how you play, but on a CRT or monitor man... 😙👌

92 435

Soldier Blade (1992, Hudson) - PC Engine

Raw Pixels vs. PVM-20L2MD S-Video

I promise that color difference is not my camera, this enemy really does look that drastically different on a CRT.

74 294

Street Fighter II (1991, Capcom) - Arcade

Raw Pixels vs. PVM-20L2MD RGB

Street Fighter II's visuals were designed to be squashed to a 4:3 aspect ratio! Playing them at their pixel perfect resolution will result in a stretched image.

273 1118

Resident Evil (2002, Capcom) - GameCube

Dolphin Emulation vs. PVM-20L2MD

I don't plan do 480i comparisons, because 480i doesn't photograph well due to rapidly alternating scanlines. However, I can't miss out on a bonus comparison for Jill Valentine's Day so here you go!

18 66

I love this!! Already having lots of fun with it :3
Is there any way to download the pics in an unscaled 160x144 format though? Would love to put them on the PVM with proper SGB borders :D

0 6

Shes dead jim!

I wanna thank my amazing friend/teacher/clan leader for teaching me rax, dont think i could do this without his guidance since im kinda crappy at solo pvm!

I most likely will only do rax stuff when its acid/darkness cuz im still a chicken xD

0 1

Something I started with 's and Pi before my old mainboard crapped out. Finally got around to finish it and put it on screen

Pi's Bounty Briefing - Apparently the D. stands for Dangerous x)

65 412

Here's today doodle/drawing that I saw through to the end. I suck at PVM, it's most of what's stopping me getting comp cape. I always thought of doing pic with Mudskipper having his own thoughts.

4 27

Le défi de Missiz Frizz VI : Ascension Divine est lancé !

⭐️ Animation, Quizz, Concours (Ecriture, FM & PVM)
⏱️ À partir d'aujourd'hui jusqu'au 27 Avril à 23h59 (GMT+1)
▶️ https://t.co/3WbiYzKHHT

2 5

Never cared for PvP, more of a PvM (player vs Monster)

0 4

"Hoy nos visitan lxs pibxs de PVM y vamos a estar charlando sobre juegos viejos, ASCIIs, ANSIIs, chiptune, demoscenes y gauchoides. Escuchanos a partir de las 21:45 hs". https://t.co/8mqQjCdhON

6 14