Before the pandemic took over everything, these were promo illustrations I had planned for Anime NYC 2020.

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Finally drew Yvonne The Red. A pseudo noir-gumshoe type that's part Catherine Tremell and MF Doom fanatic? What's not to love? Wanted to show local hues, too.

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The two (well, 3) sides to the enigma that is Cagney Launer, making sure that Mothers are not to be fucked with XD.

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Sometimes I post sloppy things. This is one of those times. That " Grand Sponsor" meme made me want to do a new imageboard embodying that. I'm gonna finish it but for now...SLOPS. One day, tho.

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That moment in Part Time Shuffle where I allude to mashing buttons emotionally in a real fight. Unsafe Emotions on block are a bad thing. Learn your mental frame data XD

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Got around to finishing the colors for Minami. My old design notes said: think of what the singer of "True Love Makin'" from the CVS2 soundtrack would look like...among much more in-depth design notes.

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Here's a look at the first 2 pages of the first official issue of Part Time Shuffle--and a look at 2 pages from the most recent issue. I still want to get better but I'm thankful for the support and love from fans so far.

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Meiko is in some ways, an homage to one of my favorite Capcom characters, Guy.I did this in reference to one of my favorite illustrations by (AKA Bengus) who is a huge inspiration for me!

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