so my attempts at adding custom portraits into jojo asbr aren't working for some reason and it's like, dang it, i went through all the effort* of making this and replacing prosciutto and pesci's with it and you won't cooperate??

*maybe like 20 minutes worth

0 9

wip ft polpo and a bit of pesci (:

0 0

Il y a 32 ans, le grand Martin Scorsese réalisait
Sommet du film de mafia, Ray Liotta et Joe Pesci y trouvèrent, le rôle d’une vie.
Artistiquement parfait, Les Affranchis forme, avec le Parrain et Casino, un brelan d’As royal.
Chef d’œuvre intemporel.

4 31

so i don't think the home movies/jojo fanbase has a lot of crossover going on, but i *can't* have been the only one to immediately think of this upon seeing pesci

3 11

Padova medievale e la fraglia dei venditori di pesce

Il vivace affresco raffigurante il Pescivendolo a Palazzo della Ragione mostra il venditore che, abbigliato con un grembiule bianco e munito di una borsa per i soldi, porge tre pesci a un cliente.


3 5

I can shill if you want me to shill. I have things, so many things. I have a yodeling donkey, some bears juggling steel bananas and George Carlin (rip) praying to Joe Pesci who prays to an extra dimensional version of George.
...and Pancake Meteor Shower.

2 5

since JJBA All Star Battle R give us Prosciutto and Pesci as a duo I wouldn't be surprised if we ever get Tarkus and Bruford as a duo aswell (because we'll definetly gonna get DLC)

0 3

I just found out that Pesci intro in Jojo All Star Battle R has a great meme potential

6 24

congratulations to pesci for getting into asbr!!! 🎣

0 3

Sì, io ci sono stata. Ad Aquileia, ci sono i mosaici coi pesci nella Basilica

(Sono bellissimi, per chi non li avesse visti. Consiglio anche il testo)
Foto: Elio Ciol

0 1

“Easy Money” starring Rodney Dangerfield & Joe Pesci was released in theatres today in 1983.

65 411

Leaky-Eye Luca VS Pesci

1 8

18: I hate Bootenks solely because he’s built like Pesci

1 10

ci sono dei pesci
che nessuno
riesce a catturare.
Non è che sono
più veloci o forti.
É solo che sembrano
sfiorati da una
particolare grazia.
Ed Bloom

Peter Vey

5 9

Pesci VS Coco Jumbo

3 37