New Art:
If you happen to be an independent gas station (or, just someone who digs Mad Max), have I got some art for you. This is "Immorten Joe." (7x11, $70....Just DM if interested)

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‘New Rochelle’ - acrylic and spray paint on canvas - simple composition - but I loved the beauty in this seemingly ordinary street scene - the light from the petrol station and the distant cars created a beautiful explosion of light and colour on a rain soaked night in NY

1 32

The new Amazon pedal-power delivery vans remind me of the Flintstones cars

Cargo bike sales soar as UK petrol prices surge

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I can't believe I just pogged at $2.05/L petrol... fuel prices these days got me down bad 😭

2 14

optional prompt
June 29

British slang gasoline, petroleum

Why did the Art thief's van run out of petrol?
-He had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh.

7 8

About a third of US electricity is from coal. Period, everywhere.
Increasing electric loads IN ANY WAY increases coal burning. No matter where - load is national.
Electric cars are minimum 1/3 coal fired. Petroleum is better. Donkey carts are best.

1 4

vuol conquistare il mercato del grano ucraino e ridurre il mondo alla fame (di pane e petrolio).

3 7

Ello, I am driving to Cornwall next month and so need to make some petrol coin

Adopt galore!!!!

Here’s the first batch!

5 12

Me when somebody brings up the other million political injustices that occur on a daily basis vs me when somebody brings up the price of petrol

5 29

"Perché pensiamo all'oceano come a una semplice riserva di cibo, petrolio e minerali? Il mare non è un banco delle occasioni. Siamo accecati dalla cupidigia per le sue grandi ricchezze subacquee
Jacques Cousteau

Daniela Verduci

1 4

A Petrolpolitan to enjoy with today's BIRD BRAIN update.

1 11

Piercing dude it is!! Fingers crossed they are the right piercings...❤️ WIP in 🧵

Discord: petroltako#4756

1 13

Salome-sama when she was working part-time at a petrol station, despite not holding a driver's license.

Translation/英訳 by

93 372

Este año se cumplirán 20 años del accidente del petrolero “Prestige” frente a las costas gallegas.
Supuso un terrible desastre medioambiental, cuyas consecuencias llevamos arrastrando desde entonces.

0 1

Avoid using petroleum jelly or baby oil as lubricant. Both of these substances can cause infection and inflammation.

13 16

Darth Invictus tras prenderle fuego a la casa de magnates petroleros con toda su familia adentro: Es por el bien mayor

2 45

Merry and Petrol share some personality traits but I will always love the Freehold's resident Oily Mom

0 8

7. Amicia Michella and Renault Zoe
This electric car that brought in to our country by different dealer from the petrol Renault one, having a cute exterior like 2003 Clio but packed with latest technology. I found that the blue version fits Michon's aesthetic.

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