Happy Holidays!! 😊🕯️🎼🎹🎻

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what’s this? an old photograph of our phantom, perhaps?
actually it’s the front of my business card LOL i had to get erik on it somehow! what better way than to draw a beautiful portrait?

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I couldn't find a good reference of the costume with this shit signal 😭
Here's Rudolph's Halloween costume!

5 22

Sanguine plays !

(Rough take)
Phantom Of The Opera -

100 Likes and I'll do a full YouTube cover! ~ 🌙💜🌙

3 9

happy late I'm bringing back the PotO AU with Penumbras dressing up as the Phantom of the Opera for a costume
this may have been my LONGEST piece this year!

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Happy Halloween~~🎃🎃
이놈은 존재 자체로 할로윈맨이니까 응응

6 12

я, конечно, не симпатизирую кристине в игре, но мне нравится её внешний образ там. такой милый ангел 🌸

3 14

Watched phantom of the opera (2004) tonight, He slays so hard, served cunt

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🎶 Wishing you were
Somehow here again
Wishing you were
Somehow near 🎶

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