Happy Today we're celebrating by sharing this delicious recipe from our award-winning title

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Today is National Pie Day!

What's your favourite kind of pie? 🥧

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Heard that it's National Pie Day today! I'm spending it by eating some yummy pie hehe😛🥧 - Doki

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If you know Jet Propulsion, then you know pie is one of his all-time favorite foods - so I had to draw this with Jet as the star in honor of He got to be a prince of pie for a day and he was so happy! 🥧

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毛變好多好蓬鬆 完全就是一顆行動小毛球
加上本來就有點傻 真的有夠可愛🥺

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Today’s It’s been so long since I last had ice cream pie. I regret it because it’s easy to make and tastes really good too. Even penguins can’t resist it!
And if a penguin says “squibbit” it just means she wants to play in a band…or some ICE CREAM PIE!!

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I can’t believe I missed day !!! 🥺🤧
As a kid she used to be one of my favorites and in this gen she remained one of my favorites! Hope you guys had a great ! Now onto the other ponies that are actually winning my poll rip

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Just in time too..

Crystal fused with

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It’s so Tally decided to have some and found him swell turning blue and swelling up with juice. Hope the juicing rooms are open today before he gets too big

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Happy 🥧

My fav pie is Blueberry pie 😋
What is your fav?

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