It’s a clumsily-taken selfie, with Gold and Crystal smushed into the frame on either side of him, all three grinning like idiots and looking almost unbearably happy.


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oh GOD i completely forgot to promo this here!! in about an hour, i will be doing a challenge run with as my only mon! you can come watch me on !!

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fuck zodiac signs, which is your favorite johto starter?

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Happy Birthday Nine the Phantom, Lyra-San, Ena-San and Himiko-san! 😍😍😍😍😊😊😊😊😤😤😤😤🥰🥰🥰🥰🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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Porque solamente es un personaje ficticio?😔

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Pokemon Fan Confession:

I started playing my first Pokemon game - Silver - before I could read, so if I hadn't seen the Pokemon in the anime, I didn't know it by name.

Because of this, & because of Ledyba's cry, I called it "Beppa" for quite a long time.

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