Este lo subo un poco mas tarde de lo habitual, pero aqui esta.
Dia 3: Primer Pokemon Capturado

3 19

i like to have a pokedex as complete as posible, i dont seek all, but i get what it gets in the way, in this case it was the fella from the last picture xP

2 17

compilation days 1, 2 and 3 January 2021
(the cute puppy with the bulbasaur on my ❤️)

13 63

Thought this looked fun to join.

Day 1: Starter Pokemon
Day 2: First Pokemon seen

1 10

Dia 2: Primer Pokemon Avistado

3 13

Joining in on
Day 01: Starter
Day 02: First pokemon seen

3 38

AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! a Rattataatatatatataatta!!!

25 226

day 02 '' first pokemon sighted'' :3

18 131

2- Primer pokemon avistado
durante mi travesia en el bosque verde me encontre un weedle

5 19

this fella always looks aggressive xP

2 18

Quiero probar csp asi que intentare el reto del mes, no se que tan lejos llegare.
Dia 1: Pokemon inicial

6 28

I'm going to try and sketch a Pokemon each day for 's challenge! Hopefully it'll help me speed up my digital art skills. Here's day 1, starter: Grookey!

8 25

Hoy inicia el veamos hasta donde llego XD
1- pokemon inicial

5 29

I really need to start drawing again, I can’t loose my mojo, so I’ll try to do
Day 1: Starter Pokemon

47 191

not the one i chosed the first time, but the one i choose now

2 21

okey hoy inicia esta cosa asi que vamo a calmarno

33 143