On 9/11 the French said, "Today, we are all Americans."

It's our turn to say, We are French.

395 424

No magic today DLP is closed today only for the second time since opening in 1992 😢

311 269

Nous nous joignons à votre douleur 😔 , restez forts France! 🌟

30 37

On 9/11 the French said, "Today, we are all American"

It's our turn to say today, we are all French

6281 6566


1 5

May condelences goes to all the victims there. Stay strong, fashion country!

5 3

All of this happened today :"(
This is the worst day

3907 1954

"On the Earth one sees all sorts of things." —The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

189 202

Tous en soutenant à la grande la France

¡Fuerza, Francia 🇫🇷!

45 51

So sad to hear the news. Heartbreaking.

2 1