All 250 Monty's have a lot of shit to deal with (both physically and psychologically), so the last thing they need is a hellhound in their base messing with and giving them grief.
Their not gonna even question why Charles Monty 86 copied her personality.

0 1

My ditzy, hyperactive, neurodivergent waifu. An underrated anime that is one of my favourites of all time. Nodame Cantabile is a gem of a series that I've seen twice and want to watch again. Noda Megumi aka Modame is driven but psychologically paralyzed and I can relate.

0 2

(Full ver.) I’m psychologically unwell

113 1196

i love yugioh, but, there is def a part of me that wishes that the card game never took off and it continued as a weird, dark, jojo off shoot but instead of stand battles we had psychologically charged shadow game stuff. i miss yugioh season 0. what could have been man.

13 104

Hello everyone!!! I will open emergency commissions because the truth is that I can no longer stand being here and everything is getting worse psychologically for me.

I will do fullbody with fullshading for $5 and 2 for $8

0 1

(cw body horror, blood, etc)
I RLY LOVE PETER N EXANDROTH like idk what it IS bro i hear abt this weak lil guy whos soo so sweet get psychologically and physically tortured by this ARCHANGEL OF RETRIBUTION AND SASS n im like a mf shark smellin blood!!

38 190

*is psychologically manipulated*

10793 55537

this series was also rlly good but it also broke me psychologically

0 0

pov you followed the man youre in love with to ruin and his new boyfriend is psychologically torturing you for something that happened a year ago

29 70

I'm doing alright. Well, as alright as anyone can be right now, lol.
I'm happy to know that I have a bunch of people all over the world, who's supporting me psychologically (and ready to help out financially).
I hope ya'll have someone supporting you, we all need it these days.💙

6 448

Don't forget in 2004 when Joker psychologically tortured Bruce's longtime friend, Ethan Bennett, and had him inhale Joker's formula that turned him into the Clayface, forever ruining his life and his relationship with Bruce Wayne and Ethan's partner dective, Ellen Yin.

8 152

I wonder if I'm the only one who's got this panel etched into her brain and keeps saying "X is psychologically a good Y"

0 0

Thing you draw to psychologically damage your partner

8 33

what a RIDE man. this was an emotionally and psychologically captivating rollercoaster that i couldn't stop. everyone in it got so shine as a character even in one of humanity's most tragic moments. rarely have i seen political ideals, struggles, and perspectives

8 34

he’s so gorgeous what is wrong with him psychologically

3 9

"Bounty Hunters 18" reveals the tragic result of Vader's "fixing" Valance's injuries, both physically and psychologically. The whole situation is utterly heartbreaking. *tear* Check out my review here:

0 1

I've noticed over the years with my commission work that certain types of characters *stares at Sakura* get more...uhh...manhandled in pictures than others, and I wonder if this might all dovetail together psychologically.

4 63

Trying to make The Most Best Art has been so psychologically exhausting, I'm going to give up and just try to make art, period.

So here's something for fun. I liked it with no drop shadow, so have a floating figure.

62 483

Aizen will straight up debunk Naruto's words and point out his hypocrisy and ego while dumping a truck load of questions challenging his believes, leaving Naruto psychologically scared,

He'll only do it just to f*ck with him, and then proceed to kill him

15 40

An underrated moment where Goku demonstrates his intelligence outside of battle is when he starts to attack Zamas psychologically because he's immortal & knows he's an insecure God.

This in turn leads to Zamas turning against himself & causing them to argue.

Goatku the Genius

424 3010