🤞🏽👁👁 🎂💙 I have biggest worth surprise y’all still excited way tmw even on my panic xD (my hard luck I lost my other Komi-Chan layer after the app crushed hard luck to reels this /kicked and jk xD )

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🤞🏽👁👁 🎂💙 I have biggest worth surprise y’all still excited way tmw even on my panic xD (my hard luck I lost my other Komi-Chan layer after the app crushed hard luck to reels this /kicked and jk xD )

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davidt00ns 20-minute budget comics number 1!

(I just wanted to doodle something quick before work, and this is all I could think of :p)


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I recently started listening to and wanted to do a quick sketch of the leading lady herself cos she's honestly a whole ass mood.

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*Quick sketch~*

"Pocky? What's that?
let me taste some-

Well, Happy pocky day!!

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Okay I went a little over my one hour time limit on this one but I've always wanted to do one of those bomber girl military pinups so I'm giving myself a pass.

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Day 11: space babe. I think it's pretty obvious I need to work on drawing not curvy bodies. Her face turned out really nice though.

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