Pinkie's parents might have seemed strict, but I am sure they had their tender moments.
Artwork by shore2020!

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Ok so this will be the start of the 25th anniversary for my buddy

as Megadramon is his favorite Digimon. he hep out in edit too.

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A trial I did for as Megadramon is his favorite Digimon. This is still a draft so yea hope you guys like it

25 108

Today sharing my previous artwork. I label it red so yea black one is from the latest series. 1st to come Zwart D !!!

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My digimon world series and the digimon today is the sub species of lol this odd one only active in the early series.

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New for my digimon world series and the digimon is the protector of amida forest in file Island lol alert alert I'll shoot lol

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My digimon world series and the digimon is the sub species of one of the fans favorite and I call it the evil patamon lol

8 33

My digimon world series and the digimon is the sub species of / super cute design. He always run around tropical jungle.

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