Republicans running in the midterms:


[Take control of the House]

‘Our top priority is… Hunter Biden!’

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Los elefantes de Barry Blitt en

➕tapas con la 'mascota' del Partido Republicano

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The latest New Yorker cover capturing the Republicans’ ‘Red Wave’ beautifully.

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Debt relief being blocked by Texas because fuck we normal people getting any relief for the higher education shoved in our face as necessary. I hate it here. Fuck this joke of a country.

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republicans when elections are going their way: sorry, libturds! that's just the way our fair and balanced electoral college works! i'm so proud to be living in this wonderful democracy!

republicans the moment an election doesn't go their way:

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In a shocking turn of events, neither democrats nor republicans won any state during the 2022 midterms, and the country was instead hit by a resounding KNERBIN SWEEP

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How many seats do the Republicans have to pick up before we can consider it a “red wave?”

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He seems to think it's unfair because... Republicans famously can't queue for as long as Democrats? 🤷

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all the republicans in my area when a nonwhite/queer person breathes near them

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Republicans accept BOTH kinds of election outcomes.

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Trump Republicans like Kevin Calvey are trying to make this a country where men control women, armed white militants control where we can go, and a handful of wealthy white politicians control our elections, lives and futures. We defeated Trump. We must defeat Trumpism.

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She hates capitalists and republicans

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Republicans getting super pissed off and heated over something and you look up what it is and it's just some shit like this

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everyone’s comment about audience race and ethnic diversity may be boomer and very caucasian and all that but they show up and vote 🗳. Republicans are counting on them showing up..

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