Explain why your art matches up perfectly to official Xiao art. You should delete it before Mihoyo takes action.
At this point you and your following are simply harassing and bullying Cryo. It's not a good look.

0 1

I draw my comfydantsona!

His name is Joy. Died when he was still an embryo. Joy never born, but he exist as a fantasy creature.
Joy looooves stories❤️

"If I had a birth, I could give this flower to the people I like."

0 5

The group never released any music after "Braveheart" and is headed by the utaite GOM (best known as the leader of HoneyWorks) who co-founded the band with ryo. What happened to the group after the release of the BRS OVA? It's unknown! The band dissolved quietly.

1 7

Sounds exiting :O!!! My fav SynthVs are Cangqiong, Stardust and Ryo... I'm warming up to Saki and FengYi

0 2

Ryo.... Her bangs are too long and thin to match. I guess it could be a case of art inconsistency so she's still possible, but just from looking at the silhouette rn I do not think it's Ryo

0 2

📢R 10/50 -I8 IS CLOSED

"What's with that look, Cryo...?"

Its been a while so I drew another bunny vtuber, . You can still join in by dropping your PNGSs down below.
➡️RULES: A Follow, and RT to enter👀

20 31

On 6/24 of 1988, Episode 12 "Must Be the Bloody Battle Outside the Ring: Love, Cobra Twist" from City Hunter 2 first aired. Episode is about a female pro wrestling troupe taking on the yakuza with the aid of Ryo.

6 18

I just got done with this so it's my last saved. Enjoy the mean Dryo.

1 10

To be honest, Yuri's closest father figure is Ryo.

Especially during those hard years when Takuma abandoned his 10 and 6 year old children.
They had to support themselves for years.

Ryo basically raised Yuri.

So yeah, congratulations Ryo, you are a good father figure 🎉

0 22

6- Winter (il), fan chara Genshin impact catalyseur cryo. C'est un adepte de Liyue s'étant installé à Fontaine après avoir fuit la guerre, créant au passage le mythe de la licorne. C'est une grosse manwhore et il l'assume totalement.

0 8

Took you long enough to not be off the shits, Ryo.

0 6

Ban le bouseux ☑️

J'ai terminé ce manga furyo / underground je sais pas.
C'était vraiment moyen, l'histoire part dans des flash back puis reviens et repart je me perdais parfois

Ensuite perso j'ai commencer parce que je pensais que c'était un furyo... Mais pas vraiment

1 6

Episode ??? Of Sae makes friends.
Today’s episode: Kyoshiro Senryo. My friend.

6 45

I opened Zaiko to buy another Dope Show ticket for the matinee, and I saw these a3-looking fellas on the front page??? After some research, it's an irl pop group called GAKUGEIDAI JUNES and of course, "The 2D models ... were designed by Fujiwara Ryo."

Such iconic style!

3 63

Ahh Anton and Cryo. Yeah I can get that for you. I have updated Cryo actually so he's Abit different but Anton is still the same as always.

And yes I do enjoy the spicy. XD

0 2

Oh I was thinking a different type of bottom for a second there ryo...

0 1

“I want to talk to you about something, Ryo... can we meet?”

13 71

Hoy 8 de Mayo cumple años Hinata Himezuru de Xblaze Code: Embryo.

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