//=time() ?>
Unlike other flying wyverns, Nargacuga doesn't have any kind of hard-shelling on its body. Instead of a shell or carapace, Nargacuga has fur and scales covering much of its body, making it relatively soft compared to other flying wyverns.
La pace può durare solo finché non si asciugano le lacrime che hanno bagnato la polvere da sparo.
🖊️Victor Martin
🎨Chris Guerin
Lagiacrus waits patiently as cleaner shrimp tidy up this massive customer.
(Also shrimp carapaceon when??) #MonthterHunter22 #MonsterHunter
S uivre la trace
A ccepte cette face
M ystérieuse place
E xtirpe de ta carapace
D avantage d'audace
I nventif espace
Le chemin du Samedi 18 juin
Gaïa se déplace
Un samedi caniculaire prenez soin de vous @BelPhilippe4 @AnneChameau @laetirature @DanniSr8 @pays_francoise
This hard shelling particularly overlaps on its back and tail, but the red parts of its body aren't covered in this material. Those red parts (The gaps in its armor) are flexible scales that allow Magnamalo to open and close parts of its carapace as its moves and attacks.
Drew up some concepts for the first three Titans! They are similar to the carapaceons of Monster Hunter.
Regieleki and Regidrago concept art will be exclusive on my patreon: https://t.co/IH1otG4Xdq
Japanese Folklore
Kappa are typically depicted as green, human-like beings with webbed hands and feet and a turtle-like carapace on their back. They are known to favor cucumbers and love to engage in sumo wrestling.
Another masking experiment-- diamonds droog and his carapace collarbones, anybody???
Non chiedere chi ha vinto: non ha vinto nessuno. Non chiedere chi ha perso: non ha perso nessuno. Non chiedere a cosa ha servito: non ha servito a nulla. Fuorché ad eliminare cinquemila creature fra i diciotto e i trent’anni.
🖊️Oriana Fallaci
🎨dal web
@king_kriminal *due to Plink's carapace being highly resistant to physical damage, she takes the time to enjoy some very powerful hugs*
Le epoche felici dell’umanità sono le pagine vuote della Storia.
🖊️Leopold von Ranke
🎨dal web
Bar Monstro - 026 - O Trapaceiro
#BarMonstro #webtoon #tapas #comics #WebtoonCanvas
O poder deles é o seu poder... Listamos ✨06 mutantes✨ que conseguem absorver/imitar as habilidades de outros.
RAPACES. Camilla dans un bain de sang🩸 commande aquarelle au Lake Como Comic Art Festival ce dimanche
La jolie nouveauté du jour signée @EditionsKana ! 🌸
Découvrez le tome 1 de Mordue de toi ! La jeune Akari, pleine d'énergie va-t-elle réussir à percer le carapace de Ryû, qui ne semble s’intéresser à rien ni personne?
➡️ https://t.co/hfKXykNWbw
Like and Retweet for Taikun zamuza supremacy. He'll being the beat down for all Carapaceons everywhere! https://t.co/mlfRemwC6Y
@WeshCestNail Bah il passe quand-même du vert à une couleur sable et sa "carapace" passe au violet.
On est pas sur un ectoplasma ou un persian. (':
@S0BAPT J’adore sa tête de blasée xD
J’en ai un peu trop, mais voilà les principaux:
Limsse, mon OC principale, Créature mi rapace mi loup
Erloss, son père qui est un griffon
Ambre, la petite protégée de Limsse
Et Krey, son homme, qui est un ange (dans les deux sens du terme)
En Mesopotamie Lamashtu, deesse malefique a tête de lion et serres de rapaces acérées, allaite un cochon et un chien en tenant des serpents, debout sur un âne.
Elle est probablement a l'origine du démon Lilith de la mythologie juive.
#sumer #lamashtu #lilith #mythologie