I just ordered some of these fun NASA/ parody stickers for my closest friends.

Retweet for a chance to win. I'll select 5 RTs at random next Friday. (I'll also toss in some other stickers that I've designed.)

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is great, but some of the concepts behind it can be tricky to get your head around. That's why we've made the 2nd edition of You Got This! Zine all about : from Routing to Redux https://t.co/S36D5lz46j

59 189

Happy Wednesday all👩‍💻 I'm curious how many of us are like this? We are happy to start new thing, but it's hard to keep going. is a key to success 👑

53 122

Day 82 of complete, 18 more to go! Today I continued my work towards my Wikipedia Viewer app project🔍. More practice today, started learning to create components, and classes. Took a pause to dive a little deeper in ES6 classes.

9 10

I made a toggle to illustrate my perpetual state of confusion: Confusing ReactJS Toggle https://t.co/Tq1gm2EWEM

41 251

You can now export layer styles as code in Avocode. Have you had a chance to try it out?

2 5

I made it! 30 apps in 30 days is done. Time to chill with Ruby & Mags. https://t.co/RZkGqQuF5c

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For day 25, I used CSS to animate one of my paintings: https://t.co/mJr9huVsWH

1 3

For Day 10 of 30-apps-in-30-days, I remade my pink magic 8 ball 🎱 https://t.co/mJr9huVsWH

1 3

Be an expert in ReactJS by watching these 5 videos. - ReactJS News https://t.co/M4kEXlZrw8

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Interesting opinion: "If you like simplicity and things that “just work”, go with https://t.co/RgGU2g8LNq

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