human Widget. Human Pulse and Reus (by ) being disgusting

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こっちはロイス Reus って書きます

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Visito la Sastreria Queralt de Reus. Faig unes fotografies de record.

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I was born in Reus, which is also the birthplace of Antoni Gaudi 🐶

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també està present a la Presentació oficial de la 22ª edició i cartell del Fira del Circ de Catalunya, també a Barcelona. La fira se celebrarà a del 10 al 13 de maig. No hi pots faltar!

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sorry I've been AFK lately and I KNOW the next page of Reus is super duper late, so here's a v small preview that doesn't give anything away.

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yoohoo, it's Here are some of my fave pages from my webcomic Reus <3

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8 Games:
Yoshi's Island, Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Mario Odyssey, Reus, Risen, TimeSplitters 2, Ty, Metroid Prime 2, Drawing

I'm about as dead tired as this Dar drawing is. lol

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Hi ! I'm Cielle, the creator of Reus on Tapas. I read a ton of webcomics too, check out my reading list here

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Reserva't a l'agenda aquest divendres 17 i dissabte 18 perquè arriba la FIRA DE L'OLI NOU de

Hem preparat de tot i més perquè tothom pugui gaudir de l'#oliSiurana.

T'ho perdràs?

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FIRA OLI NOU REUS | Per fiiii!! Comença el compte enrere! Us esperem a la 21a Fira de l'oli nou de

📍 Plaça Llibertat de Reus
📆 17 i 18 de novembre

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hello I'm creating Reus, a comic about a vigilante, guilt monsters, magic, & a 100 year mystery.

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yeah sometimes I do art that isn't about Reus, wuuutt.

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He might have the worst luck ever when it comes to major tournaments, Marco Reus for day 35 of

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