「『マイタイ』はカリフォルニア州エメリービル市のBar『Trader Vic’s』のバーテンダー ヴィクター・J・バージェロン氏が考案したカクテルです。」

「このカクテルをタヒチ人の友人にご馳走した所『Maitai roa ae!』とタヒチ語で絶賛された事から『マイタイ』と名付けられました。」

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It's Aquarius birthday! Let's take a moment to look back on her full journey from humble beginnings as a sketch to now staring in the Roa OVA coming soon!

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To be honest, even though Amiya's my joint very favourite vtuber ever (With Roa of course) I wouldn't have any worry if she suddenly had to graduate or quit for whatever reason.

I've got unshakeable faith that she'd never wanna leave any of us behind. Even a loser like me. :3

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Loveless Heart final character design and my original drawing of her. She is a singer in the Roa universe she appears in the first OVA in the opening Montage and is assumed to sing the insert songs. Her true identity will be a later character in the story.

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Some of our have alternate versions like these of Shiki and Roa's some can't because underneath is well.... they ARE naked you know?😳 I'm sure no one wants naked girls on their wallpapers right?

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Upcoming important Constancy Roa dates: Aquarius birthday: This Friday, Who would be your Valentine? Cygen voting: Monday 1/23, Shiori's Birthday: Valentine's Day 2/14. CR OVA Kickstarter Mid February/early March

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Continuing from yesterday Ishida got a redesign after our original Kickstarter along with Misha (which you saw) and Roa. Redesigns where before my Cintiq on a tablet so a little shaky. The sword is something our new artist did originally she used a huge Shuriken as a weapon.

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hey, my name is Victor Roa, I'm an illustrator and very supportive of the art community.

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We've got new this promo artwork for the first OVA and our Shiki and Roa in the moonlight art piece now featured as magnets for your fridge or other surface! Get yours today 15% off at checkout for a limited time (link below)

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Happy birthday Roa my son the other half of the chicken nugget 🐥🐥🐥🐥🥳🥳🥳

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Since we're heading back to Kickstarter soon. Here's a look at our original artwork for Constancy Roa as opposed to our new one. It was also the first time we had art for all the characters which was great! We kept the logo though.

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Someone said something about a so I must post something in that day too.

From Power Rangers and tokusatsu to Constancy Roa to Rayearth and Grendizer's Project G and back again.

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Here's the fully colored image of Red from 's Low Tier series! We'll show Green and Blue soon! If you'd like to see your own OCs in the background of the Roa OVA we have 50$ spots available email us at projectroa.com thanks!

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Not a game but yes we're planning to launch one for our Constancy Roa OVA this year mid February or March at the latest. Just working on a couple last minute things we want done before it. Namely a new trailer which is almost done just need that Yuimei section we are workin on.

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Master Mason, Sir Arma, Sir Theodore, and Lady Ataraxia of Roa Baltiste.

(Gambar sminggu yg lalu, ku post aj, dripada ga post samsek)

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Also look styled by the bae Michael Roa Valdamjong hehe

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