We are so lucky to have Fred Cuming RA as a member. Don’t miss these two breathtakingly amazing paintings in our members show until May 5th

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Just three beautiful watercolours from Andrew Blyth from our exhibition Light to Shade - Shade to Light til May 5th.

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Easter weekend is fast approaching and if you’re in Rye don’t forget to visit our members Spring Exhibition at The Rye Art Gallery open all weekend.

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Details of just three Susan E Jameson oils. Rainbow 1 and 2 and Winter Wave. All in our members Spring Show at Rye Art Gallery now until May 5th

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RSA members spring exhibition at Rye Art gallery PV 11-1 on April 6th - exhibition continues til May 5th ‘Light to Shade- Shade to Light’ image by Louis Turpin graphics by

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Razzle Dazzle by Val Falla in our lower gallery - acrylic collage - quite a large piece but very desirable based on crypt cafe in Manchester town hall

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Andrew Blyth paints beautifully soft water colours of local scenes. Moody clouds beach scenes churches and the marsh all feature in his very popular work.

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Three rich detailed hot coloured works by Angie Braven also hang in our upper gallery. Don't forget we are also open Sundays 10.30-5.30 and every day until 26th August.

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A little collection of beautiful and varied bird and frog paintings -pop in and have a look at this charming collection for real

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RSA Summer Show 4th - 26th August
Open every day from 10.30am to 5.30pm

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Just three of Lorna Vahey's biographical figurative paintings from our members exhibition Now in its final week !

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Four luscious Storm Cloud paintings from member Cliff Howe in as part of our latest exhibition- we are approaching our last week there so why not pop in for a visit. Open every day until April 22

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Two beautiful silver gelatin prints from RSA member and photographer Peter Greenhalf in our exhibition at until April 22

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Only TWO days to go til we close for this summer. Don't miss our amazing exhibition

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Member David Crew's pieces this year are all about the harvest scarecrows pumpkins & sunflowers.

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Two delightful mixed media pieces from member Val Falla - Net Huts and Seascape are very reflective of Hastings were Val lives

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Don't miss this charming rare ceramic piece from is this a new venture? We love it.

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