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9 13

Don’t forget your coffee to stay warm and alert today (or tea if you don’t like coffee).

I leave it into your imagination how Sora and Mikado end up like this instead of killing each other.

PD: They are one of Lolkkie’s fav dynamic/ships.

9 51

Mikado shall feel Despair by the sight of the Heroic Duo of Teruya and Kagami!
He doesn’t stand a chance against them.

5 37

최근 좋았던 친구들...^^

104 262

커미션 작업으로 오랜만에 산노지를
그려서 행복했네요
따듯한 겨울 보내세요 🔥

29 85

One of my favorite female designs in a danganronpa fangame Kokoro Mitsume

4 11

다소 칸에서 많이 튀어나왔지만... ㅇ<-<
즐거웠어요! 캐릭터 제시해주신 분들 다들 감사합니다! 😊

오오토리는 슈토리로 그릴까 고민했는데 코바이라 빼고는 죄다 슈단나더 캐릭터들이라 하향조치(...) 했습니다. <(_ _)>
태그를 까먹어서 재업!

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