Casters can be handy, we know. But tell us about a time when your party had to go without any. No one created a caster, or they all died in the adventure. However it ended up that you were without, how did the party get by without magic at the ready?

0 1


If Seg was single I guess you can say he has Nokia

(That’s the best pun I could think of)

10 27

Do you roll like all of your dice are cursed? Or do you have the magic touch?

0 2

You poor rogues have to put up with the party's chatter and shenanigans at all the worst times! Tell us about the WORST fail you've ever had due to the constant hijinks of your comrades.

0 0

Isu y Poyo besties? besties es una palabra muy fuerte
siempre quise que fuera bestie de KLG que mira lo que me importa que esté tieso ese, pero bn muy buenos amigos si q son
mi hc cada dia mas canon 🤠
son de esos que se pelean a muerte y a los 2 seg estan de weno vamo a tomar🤝

0 1

In our adventures, as players, we can find a lot more than rest and refreshments awaiting us at the inn, bar, or tavern. Tell us the tale of your most interesting, dangerous, or hilarious encounter!

0 1

Oi, eu sou a Litt e tenho desenhado e postado minhas coisinhas aqui a quase um ano e pouco. Ainda estou iniciando e queria ajuda para bater uma meta de chegar aos 200 seg, si falta 41 só...

2 4

// yume DopAi // miyumiyu // 👔🐸 // 👓🎀


🎀 : panas (⌣_⌣”)
👓 : A-Airi-san! Jangan nyiprat (;∀;)
🐸 : main air sini! Doppo juga jangan makan dulu! ╰_╯
👔 : t-tapi baru seg— (p′︵‵。)
👓 : *tarik 🎀* ayo!
🎀 : panas..

18 29

Correspondencia 💌🌱
mi más nueva animación
675 frames para 44 seg.

6 48

Dato inecesario del dia: me toma 19 seg pasarme el nivel 1 de mario ✨✨

0 2

M descuidan 5 seg y volví a Kim grasosa

2 6

OIOI🥳🥳 cheguei a marca de 500 seg e em comemoração disso eu resolvi fazer um ✨ DIVULGUE SUA ARTE ✨ pra conhecer mais artistas maravilhosos e ajudar os amores que eu já conheço

37 87

(8/160) Annie. Me habia equivocado con el primer y SEGUNDO twitt y de paso coloque el número mal... Bueno de nuevo con la pequeña que te borra de un combo en 2seg.

2 13

There are loot-grabbers (hoarding the loot) and loot-givers (sharing the loot). Which one are you?

0 3


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