【SGPクラシック】竹久夢二 缶バッジ

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【C89】12/31(木) 東モ41a「埼玉大学SGP」で頒布するゲーム集の中に只今制作中のゲーム「キマシタワーディフェンス」も入れてもらうことになりました!こんな感じの対戦型タワーディフェンスです!よかったらお立ち寄り下さいな!

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「手を挙げる」「与える」「調べる」SGPコラボ缶バッジ 3種登場。絵柄はSGP選による。http://t.co/9A7WhnP9kj さしあたりヴィレヴァン三宮店にて購入可能との情報あり

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Wanna RT? :) "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" Time Out http://t.co/mlT4IVd9KS

1 0

Fancy a RT? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" Time Out http://t.co/mlT4IVd9KS

0 0

Mind RTing? :) "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" Time Out http://t.co/mlT4IVd9KS

0 0

Fancy a RT? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" Time Out http://t.co/mlT4IVd9KS

0 0

Wanna RT? :) "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" Time Out http://t.co/mlT4IVd9KS

2 1

Fancy a RT? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

0 0

Mind RTing? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

0 0

Wanna RT? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

0 0

Mind RTing? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

1 0

Fancy RTing? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

0 0

Wanna RT? :) "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

0 0

Fancy a RT? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

1 1

Wanna RT? Rumpus! "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

0 0

Mind RTing? :) :) "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

0 0

Want to RT? "the closest thing to a festival like SGP or Burning Man" TimeOut http://t.co/b6PprZLX6a

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