Nouvelle critique sur Sword Art Online Alternative : Gun Gale Online, tome 1 de Keiichi Sigsawa sur Babelio : "Étant une grande fan de SAO, j'étais super contente de découvrir ce nouveau manga. Même si on ne sui..." via

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BiChen's reaction to the incense burner dream, and SuiBian's "whatever method" of helping him..."not think about it".

*My version is SuiChen=SuiBian tops.... just ignore me if you prefer BiSui....=u=lll

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im so excited for sui...I cant wait to put all my effort into getting him

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thecyberwolf: Chat Noir Created by Drake Tsui...

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idol Hisashi Mitsui... (y)

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i hope you don't mind messy fanart out of the blue BUT I REALLY LIKE SUI... '_'

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