✨Je recherche un apprentissage en salon de tatouage sur Brest et ses alentours. J'effectue mon stage d'hygiène et salubrité en octobre.✨

RT appréciés

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Took a quick wander down the lane at the back of Egyptian Halls this morning, not the most salubrious of urban spaces, but you do get a glimpse of Thomson’s mullions with their abstract capitals!

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Second is my first VtM PC, Scott. A wallflower who just wanted everyone to leave him the hell alone, but had a habit of making waves. Fell in love with a Giovanni, tried to save a Salubri from a blood hunt, got framed for treason once. Poor guy could NOT catch a break!

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Reaching out to a new emerging audience and celebrating its own members for the annual exhibition at the most salubrious event in town this March

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