Перерисовка скетча, которому уже исполнилось чуть больше года. Ну и рубрика ✨✨ Эксперименты ✨✨

Redrawing the sketch, which is already a little over a year old. And the rubric ✨✨ Experiments ✨✨

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Here are some future merch designs!! More of them are in the making!!

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Well, I just like this idea with Sammy and the rain.
Oh yeah, today is my birthday :Р

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Happy Birthday, Chapter 2 and my favorite insane, inky music director boy, Sammy Lawrence!!! 😍😈💞 Drew these in honor of my favorite chapter of my favorite indie game!

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Happy Birthday Sammy!

I'm glad I'm finally able to partake in celebrating this special day, now that I have access to Ibispaint and social media :)

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happy birthday to SAMMY LAWRENCE, still somehow my favourite ink obsessed musician!! i have drawn, some Sammy Inspired Stickers??? did both skinny and fat design b/c i love them both.....

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bday one with my version of him:))

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some human Sammy sketches

hajakskjsjs i don’t like them that much-
everytime i draw something I start to dislike my art more and more it feels like lmao

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here are a bunch of Sammy doodles from instagram lol I drew them for a thing i did asking for some doodle request/ideas for Sammy


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>"Sammy Lawrence, that's my name. My former body is what I'll reclaim."

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I don’t like Valentines Day and I don’t ever really celebrate it at all but I did draw Sammy since I love him lol

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I painted these in five separate ways, I am trying to practice well before I start making a painting for Bendy's birthday~!

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This class is boring, so I made this.

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