Tommorrow is Saint Lucia's Day here in Sweden! I made a redraw (or more of a reinterpretation tbh) of a drawing of her from 2017, which in turn was a redraw from 2015 (I'll post those two in the replies)

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Il si festeggia la martire cristiana, morta durante le persecuzioni di Diocleziano a Siracusa.

Nella Pinacoteca dei potete ammirare questo olio su tavola del Garofalo che raffigura la santa.

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We’re just a few hours away from all the new work from our official Mattel show that opened last night being online for purchase! In the meanwhile, this from Emiliano Santalucia is available and only $30. Signed and numbered! Available here:

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Featured Art by Emiliano Santalucia at the Mattel Art Show -

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"Respect and Tolerance" by Raffaele Santalucia

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