Some of John Schoenherr’s wonderful DUNE art.

178 758

"Dune" The Sardaukar Warriors - / "Krull" - 1983

16 37

Sarduakar Warriors (Dune)

by John Schoenherr, 1978

4 10

Oie, eu sou a Gabriele Schoenherr, 24 anos, aspirante à ilustradora e concept artist. Amo desenhar fantasia, vampiros e qualquer coisa que não posso ver com meus olhos físicos <3

13 35

Also a good reminder that John Schoenherr's works became one of the early design influences for... Star wars. For example those Sardaukar designs and early researches on Storm troopers.. or the creatures he made for an ANALOG cover

46 218

Back on Arrakis with Frank Herbert's and the of John Schoenherr. "The illustrated Dune"

161 683

With 12 new moons in orbit around Jupiter, let's make some noise to make sure that one of them ( possibly the second in orbit ) is called.. Muad'dib ! ( art by John Schoenherr )

169 810

Classic John Schoenherr cover art for the first paperback edition of DUNE by Frank Herbert, 1965.

39 166

Children of Tomorrow by Van Vogt, A. E.
(Ace edition, 1970). Art by John Schoenherr

22 102

John Schoenherr. probably best known for his iconic Dune cover art. love his textures!

26 123

More connections: John Schoenherr/Hayao Miyazaki/Paul Lehr

21 213

John Schoenherr’s artwork for ‘The Illustrated Dune’ (1978). Frank Herbert did not only praise his illustrations as "careful and accurate", he was so impressed with them that he once referred to Schoenherr as "the only man who has ever visited Dune"

535 1921

Dune sand worms. Art by Terry Oakes, HR Giger, John Schoenherr x 2

247 783

The art of John Schoenherr (1935-2010)

71 197

“Ian Schoenherr’s cover illustration for The Splintered Light is glorious.” -

6 22

More illustrations by John Schoenherr for The Illustrated Dune, 1978 by Frank Herbert

134 560

Illustrations by John Schoenherr for The Illustrated Dune, 1978

136 447

Frank Herbert's illustrated DUNE , art by the inimitable John Schoenherr. "I can envision no more perfect visual representation of my Dune world than John Schoenherr's careful and accurate illustrations." -Frank Herbert.

94 338