TODAY! 12PM Live in the GML! MVZ Seminar featuring Dr. M. Fernanda Palominos, Postdoc, discussing "From Devo to Evo: Identifying the function of novel genes in craniofacial specialization."

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The Lacan Circle will present two seminars on the work of Jacques-Alain Miller this semester:

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“The objet a is something from which the subject, in order to constitute itself, has separated itself off as organ. This serves as a symbol of the lack, that is to say, of the phallus, not as such, but in so far as it is lacking.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar XI

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“The subject is the entire system and, perhaps, something in the system. The Other is the same, he is constructed in the same way, and this is why he is able to relay my discourse.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar V, Formations of the Unconscious

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THANK YOU LY2!!💞💘💗💜 IM AWAKE AND HEADING HOME NOW!! Seminars are still going on so I'm doing the rest online in the livestreams they have of them today cjdjfo did 2 already 😭 my next one is in an hour or so lol

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I'm home from my seminar~ I was only gone for like 48 hours but I missed my bed so much... time to sleep for now... 😴 see you for zatsudan tomorrow... oyachunaa...

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velma put out a few mystery novels in her 40s that took off and now, similar to daphne, mentors other authors through creative writing seminars. she has trifocals now.

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Seminar's Secretary, coming to realise her feelings.

Translation/英訳 by
Typeset/植字工 by

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“Stated otherwise, the truth of desire is in and of itself an offence against the authority of the law.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar VI, Desire and Its Interpretation

Available everywhere including here:

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“Taking on board the very sign of the virile position, of male heterosexuality, implies castration at its point of departure. This is what Freud’s Oedipal notion teaches us.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar IV, The Object Relation, Art by with apologies to Goya

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“The unconscious is always manifested as that which vacillates in a split in the subject.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis

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Rough English translation by me
Poor Yuuka trying to manage the Seminar budget

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“At a higher degree than mere ‘seeing’ and ‘being seen’, the imaginary dialectic culminates in ‘offering to view’ and ‘being surprised’ by an unveiling.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar IV, The Object Relation

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▶︎#CNC(CryptoNinja Children)
▶︎#LLAC(Live Llke A Cat)
▶︎#CNPJ(CryptoNinja Partner Job)
▶︎#NMS(NFT Marketing Seminar)
▶︎#SKB(Shikibu World)
▶︎QN Creator SBT

のりさん()の giveawayにも当選😭


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第2回NFT Marketing Seminar
限定参加証SBT=Soulbound Token


tochiさんによるNFT Marketing Seminarを予定してますよ


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“The question ‘What is the Father?’ is ultimately a question that is posed at the heart of our analytic experience as an eternally unresolved questioning, at least for us analysts.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar IV, The Object Relation

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NFT Marketing Seminar参加証SBTをMintしました。


興味がある方は次回を狙いましょう!満席になっちゃうので、次の案内に備えて さんをフォローしてみてください😁

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What hysterics
ultimately want
one to know
is that language
runs off the rails
concerning the
magnitude of
what she,
as woman,
is capable
of revealing,
Jacques Lacan
Seminar XVII

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I did this Wonder Woman last month for the Cover of an University Seminar I was invated to talk in. Not much but very proud of the result.

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Lacan Circle Seminar:
The Lacanian Orientation of
Jacques-Alain Miller (II):
Presented by Russell Grigg

Ten sessions from 25 February 2023
Registrations are open!

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