서연이의 행복한 하루,
행복한 한해가 되길 바라며

68 116

Day 15

Breathe for a moment
Seoyeon Red Light

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😊Here's a lockscreen version of the new year 2021 fanart, but in a day & night concept😁

💜ENJOY~ ~ ~ ~

《fromis_9(프로미스나인) - lockscreen fanart ver.》

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thinking about the time seoyeon said she makes sure her tops are cropped to show off her mole 🥺

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🥳YAYYYY FINALLY I HAD CREATED A OT9 FANART🥰 "lol i'm just so happy i finished it even tho my days had been really busy"

《fromis_9(프로미스나인) - fanart》

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서연고, 모두의 첫사랑 고은택 선배

Seoyeon High School
Everyone's First Love, Go Eun-taek

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Kdrama fanart post!
✾ ❁ ❃
Lee JoonGi as Baek HeeSung/Do HyunSoo & Jung SeoYeon as Baek EunHa from 'Flower of Evil'

*please don't share my art without credit!

6 13

~😎Megan and Syeon had a movie date as they watch frozen❄☃️~

《Fromis_9(프로미스나인) - Jiwon, Seoyeon Fanart》

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xjiwonparkx - Jiwon
ro.x_rhz - Jisun
jang._.gyurious - Gyuri
shy9_29 - Hayoung
jihoney_bb - Jiheon
c.young__0514 - Chaeyoung
blossomlng_0 - Nagyung
yeonyeony_122 - Seoyeon
lsroom__ - Saerom?
lsroomsae_ - Romsae?
And That Makes Nine. Plus one Impostor 🔪

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서로가 서로의 왕인 퓨리즈가 보고싶어서 화관 퓨리즈..... seoyeon(@ info_seoyeon)님께 넣은 커미션이에요 😂😂

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