Last but not least! Hier das Cover zum Shakugan no Film. Damit kennt ihr nun alle DISC-Covers die im ersten Limited Schuber bei euch zu Hause bald sein werden😁 Wenn ihr den Film noch nicht vorbestellt habt, dann schaut gleich mal hier vorbei

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Today's second Arab character of the day is Khamsin Nbh'w from Shakugan no Shana! 🔥 he bears the appearance of a ten-year-old Middle-Eastern boy.

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😃Shakugan no Shana? 😗 maybe.

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Today's long haired Character is Shana from Shakugan No Shana who's hair ranges from knee length to longer than she is tall!

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Alright, who was your first waifu? Mine was Shana from Shakugan no Shana

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Day 1: Shakugan no Shana artwork
Shana is just so cute! So glad they adapted all of SnS, wish that happened for more sources!

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Die Lyrics der Shakugan no Shana Songs sind richtig schön <3

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shakugan no shana rkgk 🔥

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I don't know if you take suggestions for licenses but I hope someday you rescue the light novels of Shakugan no Shana. There are fans still waiting to read them.

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I'll be taking my time with my artwork since I care about the quality of it. Due to the wait, I'm bringing back my chibi/gyate (not Full chibi) as compensation. One new chibi will appear every fortnight (2 weeks).


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Shakugan no Shana [Opening 1]

"Hishoku no Sora" by Mami Kawada, is available on


🔥 Shakugan no Shana playlist:

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Ich durfte zusammen mit von uns gesungene deutsche Versionen des ersten Intros & Outros von Shakugan no Shana zur Veröffentlichung beisteuern.

Die Songs werden als Bonus auf der Disc erhältlich sein!

Bitte unterstützt den Release 😊🌸

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NEWS: Shakugan no Shana erhält deutsches Opening und Ending

✨Alle Details >>

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I miss the Shakugan no Shana and Nanatsuiro drops era :(

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