Tiny Footprints – 30min. spitpaint... another blobby thing with bloody, spiky legs :)

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Belt-Fed Gun – 30min. spitpaint...One of those kinda days

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30 min spitpaint
I tried a combination of concept art and fun color combos :)

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3x30 min spitpaints:
-Magic Lock
-Segmented Armor
-Elemental Genie

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Theme: Fantasy Sailing
Time: 30 minutes

I'm going to start doing these challenges to help myself get better at what i love doing. I joined a group called Daily Spitpaint, so here's the first one.

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Stasis Chamber – 30min. spitpaint, went back and forth on fantasy vs scifi, settled with some kinda technomancer warden overseeing an Eldritch horror of sorts. The orange lights and steam layers are the MVPs, doing lots of heavy lifting for such simple layers.

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"Spiked Knuckles" -30min. spitpaint. Hiding the crimes with overlay and making it 'artistic' by keeping the body incomplete to save time lol. Favorite part was drawing the wounds.

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Swamp creature. A 30 min spitpaint

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lighting the lantern. a spitpaint done in 30 min

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A few of my favorite timed 30-minute I did from 5+ years ago. The Facebook Group is called

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Sinking Into the Ooze – 30min. spitpaint.. All hail Juiblex! I really like Gelatinous Cubes ^_^

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Also did a lot of spitpaints. This one took 30 mins. I have dozens of those to show off

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Non-Humanoid Golem – 30min. spitpaint... originally this was supposed to be some towering stone slab thing ina dungeon but I guess it went south and a bit more Miyazaki-ish.... Still not sure which way is 'front' o_O

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Ice Hammer – 30min. spitpaint... gradients and screen blending modes to the rescue! The thumbnail makes it look more like an axe though... ah well ^_^

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Waist-Deep Snow – 30min. spitpaint.. not fully feeling it, there are parts I liked but it's not gelling. Maybe if I didn't swap brushes as often it would've fallen into place more smoothly... ah well :)

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The Herbalist – 30min. spitpaint.. dunno if she's heading out at dusk or coming home at dawn, either way her hat is a bit of a mess but I do like her plants lol.

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Dwarven Cleric – 30min. spitpaint...should've focused on just the dwarf instead of adding the shadow dudes getting blown away heh... like those would've been fine as a post-spitpaint addition I think..

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Regenerating Body – 30min. spitpaint... I thought the rapid cellular regeneration might create a lot of heat and maybe even some steam... and be green! :D The red is a bit much I think though...

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Purple Stones – 30min. spitpaint... finally figured out this simple effect, there's probably an easier way to do it but until then I at least have my convoluted path :D

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