Jasper, Skinny, and Carnelian for a Beta reunion!

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I made a collage of some of my Jasper faces 🥺

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Jaspearl nap time. Pearl only agreed to sleep bc Jasper said she would too, but she lied 🧡

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Drew the part of my Jaspearl fic where Jasper went to talk to Bismuth because Amethyst told her Pearl was flirting with her and Jasper wanted to know if that was true (but definitely didn’t want to ask Pearl)

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A quick Jasper being a drama queen before I head off to bed.
She’s sick of being invited to stuff but they won’t leave her alone- bet she’s wishing she didn’t join Little Homeworld now.

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Mi novio y yo estamos de aniversario ✨💕 así que hice esto para conmemorar este día 💖

💌Comisiones abiertas💌

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“So I will not ask you why you were creeping, in some sad way I already know.”

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Another tumblr request- this time for a shorter gem needing to stand on Jasper’s feet for a boost to give her a kiss.
I chose Volleyball 🥺 she did Jasper’s hair, and used her ribbon wand as a hairtie.

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Jasper’s antics aren’t like they used to be, but that’s not so bad some days.

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Jasper plays volleyball with the other Quartzes on the beach, and she turns the glass to sand when she gets over- excited.

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Jaspball request - Eyeball Ruby had a crush on Jasper before it was cool.

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Jasper and Bismuth being pals!
Another tumblr suggestion I had a lot of fun with (even if I kept procrastinating)

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