Day# 21 is done! It's just Kai having a nice meal.
Good night!

3 26

Day#20 done! This one was a nice simple one to do!
Alright good night y'all! 💛

1 21

Day#18 done! This is Kirro, I have yet to introduce them yet but, she is one of Silas friends!
I'll talk more about her tomorrow so in the meantime. I'm heading to bed! Good night y'all!💛

4 23

My part for the art trade with this lovely boyo! 💛
Was trying out a different style, and I'm pretty happy how it came out!

4 26

Day#13 done! Was bit rushed, because I was distracted playing a dino game with some homies.
Alright I'm heading to bed y'all, good night! 💛

2 15

Day#12 done! Alice is having a great time y'all.
Good night! 💛

3 24

Did a collab with
Go check them out, they're amazing! She also draw stickfigures!

1 15

Day#11 done! Anyway, enjoy Andy dying!
Good night! 💛

3 17

Ayooooo! Here is Andy! She is friends with Ethan, and works at Ethans cafe shop! I'm still working on her. ^^ "

4 28

Good afternoon y'all!
Here is Cassian! He belongs to my friend on discord. Cassian is partners with Katarina, then became her bf, then husband. They now have a child. UwU

3 23

Anyone down to do an art trade? I'm free rn, and I would get my part done tonight, or early tomorrow!
Also, have Hermes flying. I'm probably never gonna finish this.

5 39

Day#8 is done! Alright, I'm heading off to work on some more art!

1 12

Uuuh here is Katarina being bit... sus.
Anyway good night y'all!

1 19

Day#7 dooooone! His poor, poor tongue bro.
I'm not heading to bed yet, since I'm free tomorrow! Might post another small thing soon. ^^

4 21

Good afternoon everyone! I'm here to show y'all Roy! I'm still currently working on his personality and backstory. ^^ "

1 26

Good morning everyone!! I kinda woke up bit late, but hey it's alright.
Anyway here is Dante! He is Silas dad, he is basically a cowboy. He tried to get his son (Silas) to be more like him but failed.

4 26

I'm very sleepy right now, so have this before I head to bed.
It's a wip of my boi Silas eating some sushi. ^^
Alright good night y'all, sweet dreams!

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