Может и не такая заметная смена стиля, но мне нравится результат

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Character: Ironía (My OC)
Art Style: Cuphead
Tool: Paint Tool SAI

I've been playing Cuphed, I remember that I've a drawing of my OC, so... Enjoy!

Ironía and Artwork belong to WOLF777MX.

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This was made live on twitch long ago, when this challenge exploded XD
My style sure changed a lot since then, maybe this experience helped lol

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I'm really late on this meme but really wanted to do it. It was fun huhuhu

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stylebend/fanart for i’m proud of it and if you aren’t already following kiiwi, go follow them now, or your kneecaps will be gone by tomorrow morning

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Finishing watching Johnny Test and imagined aged-up Mary & Susan doing grad school at SFIT in Big Hero 6 the Series. Then realized Honey Lemon had similarities. 🙂 Rights to Cookie Jar & Disney.

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ART STYLE BEND!! With what I will call, fun results.

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Ну я попробовал и вроде получилось
А ещё я нарисовал своё нелюбимое AU - блогерское.
Я вообще не люблю когда глубокую и эпичную историю пхают во всякие простенькие бытовые АУшки:
Кулинарный блогер-стримлер, хипстер Илай.

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YUDAAN!! I came up with a name for this character lol. I love the way this one turned out, I feel as though the coloring was a big success as well, definitely going to use this method going forward. Lmk what you guys think

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with one of my OCs! It was Definitely a process changing my style so much haha

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