They've definitely expanded upon the fanged beasts in and now we get a giant golem-like gorilla in

I don't have too much to say about Garangolm so far, but it's nice to see another fanged beast in the expansion and one that can use two elements!

76 635

Okay but I really REALLY hope Val Hazak comes back for Sunbreak. His overall zombie-like aesthetic and theme would fit amazingly in Sunbreak.

0 0

Had do an edit of what I expect a Bishaten Subspecies to be like in Turned out better than I expected. 🤣

40 366

Thinking about thems and how I somehow want them in Sunbreak..

2 7

I hope we get to see more monsters with deviants get apex forms in Sunbreak. Maybe some sort of alternative to apex to coincide with the whole vampire aesthetic.

8 136

My first pick of a returning monster for

Do it . You won’t. No ballz.

4 26

I don’t want to see a lot of returning mons in Sunbreak. It was cool for Iceborne, seeing many old favs in HD, but I wanna see fresh new stuff, as they’ve proven that their new ideas make for really fun hunts. Basically what I’m saying is…
I never want to see Brachydios again

40 452

Happy Monster Hunter Rise launch for PC!

I'll try to draw more MH pieces like this before Sunbreak.

137 689

"A creature wanders restlessly through the darkness.

Silver light illuminates the land and mountains.

And with an entranced roar, it shows its true form."

I wanted to draw the MH newcomer: The Ice Wolf Wyvern, Lunagaron. A new Fanged Wyvern to debut in MHRise: Sunbreak.

84 385

Lunadogaron from Sunbreak. Love seeing more Fanged Wyvern like Odogaron, being based on a werewolf this time.

9 96

Vampires and werewolves in Sunbreak... What other creatures will we find? 🤔

454 3209

How great would it be if that was Gigginox, not Magnamalo? Please look forward to the re-emergence of Gigginox in Sunbreak.😭😭😭😭

2 20


i hope to appear in SUNBREAK.

86 497

I swear I am gonna go feral waiting for Sunbreak. Already they're bringing back one of my fave old-school monsters, Shogun Ceanataur~! This gives me hope lady...

0 2

Malzeno / Mel Zena - Sunbreak.

Just had to do it, honestly the design grows on me and they just look to gorgeous in the render/trailer.

515 1859

Tokyo Game Show 2021

I doubt that we'll be seeing new game
titles/updates at TGS tomorrow since
Capcom's 50 min presentation revolves
"only" on the upcoming massive
expansion, Monster Hunter
Rise: Sunbreak.

Which I'm looking forward to.

1 4

Gotta love the new flagship elder for I just love the imagery of the skull and wings for the vampire/bat feel. (Batman would be proud.)

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