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昨日Vの縁さん(#KuchinashiYosug )がホラゲーをやってたのをチラ見たともてちゃんです🦊🥶ガタガタブルブル

Terrified Tomote-chan for we had a glimpse on Yosuga-san playing a orror game yesterday…🦊🥶


0 4

I deleted the shitpost because it was terrible, here's the uncensored version lmao

127 1483

A Pokemon who gives off a terrifying aura and beats its non-flying "wings" in order to project this aura toward its opponents.

1 9

Not a Halloween post YET, but she is terrifyingly cute aint she?

2140 22482

Idk what is she supposed to be but I can only think about those sugar marshmallows of terrible quality

47 601

One of them there games lists. Before you yell at me, yes some of these are terrible games, but all of them I played the ever loving shit out of… and some of them are responsible for me even drawing right now!

2 79

I know I'm terribly late but pls sketch Jackie

2 23


"I'm feeling a lot of stares today. Is it because I'm a terrible sleeper?"

129 1203

A spirit monster who entails taking on duties that the herd would deem too dangerous, such as building new trails through uncharted territory.

1 6

Creo que uno de los sentimientos más terribles que he sentido es la culpa.

"Sentí lo que sentimos cuando alguien muere: la congoja, ya inútil, de que nada nos hubiera costado ser más buenos" , escribió Borges.

15 88

It's quite attractive to put a skull-shaped cloud in a terrible fart.

173 1177

Well, apart from that one time I accidentally whitewashed Qiyana in an art post from 2019 (I wish to take back my defensive attitude from back then and am terribly sorry)

0 13

i am the dutchess of terrible sonic renders. take your pick.

0 10

A spirit monster who was treated constantly with contempt and disgust since she had been living in servitude to a terrible owner.


1 6

because he never had it. And this determination gave Rone a reason to help himself out from his addictions even if it led him to terrible withdrawal relapse so he'll be capable to protect Julian.

Without any realization to Rone that he's already doing out of trust & love. >

3 33

Made some custom library art for DiVE and DiVE Offline since the default Steam ones were pretty terrible. Leaving them here in case anyone wants to use them!

36 124

We're playing Volcano Princess! Lets make some terrible decisions!!

7 90