Commission for a Friend:
Tanya from Youjo Senki

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¡Ya a la venta el Vol. 7 de "Ut Sementem Feceris, Ita Metes" ("Recoges lo que siembras")! 🔥

⬇️Más información⬇️

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My boyfriend sat down and watched the first episode of Youjo Senki with me. O m g I adore the art style💞

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💥💥 Les traités de paix, les cessez-le-feu ne sont que pour ces chiens ayant abandonné leurs crocs !
Fanart ➡️

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tanya von degurechaff, good appearance in the movie. hope to be out soon for season 2.... \(^▽^)/

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«Ut sementem feceris, ita metes» ("recoges lo que siembras").
Cicerón, "De Oratore".

⬇️Disponible en preventa el VOLUMEN 7 de

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«A través del helado viento del invierno, la guerra puede oírse.»

Ya a la venta el VOLUMEN 6 de "#TheSagaOfTanyaTheEvil: NIL ADMIRARI".

¿Sabías que el título es una cita de Cicerón que significa "no sorprenderse de nada"?

Más info👇

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Out today.

Saga of Tanya the Evil (#YojoSenki) (Movie) [Limited Edition]

At this point, you can still get its first pressing bonus:
a CDJapan exclusive B6-size sticker
an A3-sized 3D poster illustrated by Shinobu Shinotsuki

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I recently watched the Saga of Tanya the Evil. And by recently, I mean in the last couple of months. I drew this maybe a few weeks ago.

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8/2〜8/4ドイツ•マンハイムにて開催される 2019 に 片山修志(Team-MAX)


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