I would say Tentomon honestly just because of this one piece of art for the game.

0 1

A tentomon for - it was supposed to be a charm design but it turned into a full warm up sketch that ended up unexpectedly cute

4 5

Was rushing to get it done fast . HuskKabuterimon. A combination of Armor and "Evil" digivolution of Izzies/Koshiros Tentomon with the egg of knowledge. Forcing the evolution triggered this form. 1.

28 105

My original Digimon
Tentomon- bond of intelligence-
Parumon- bond of purity-
Piyomon- bond of love-

39 96

I disagree, Knowledge in the adventure universe is more about "curiosity" than anything else, the reason why tentomon degenerated in adventure was because Koushiro lost his curiosity, and despite he was still "learning" stuff, he didn't question what he was learning.

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Well, actually I missed one last card.

Adventure Promo Pack: Tentomon is carrying a potted flower, similar to one of its old illustrations.

Now we're ready for BT-07.

3 26

This is for Twitter Header
Tentomon-bond of intelligence-
I’m working of Parumon-bond of purity-
She’s coming on Sunday!


2 8

Oh yes, Palmon is great, probably my 3rd fav of the OG Partner Digimon after Tentomon and Gomamon.
Though for me nothing comes even close to Monodramon <3

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Tras de Tentomon vamos a empezar a ver la línea de Biyomon y Birdramon con estas cartas rojas que llegarán a con la EX01. Esta línea de de usa, como el resto de EX, sus artes oficiales del Reference Book.

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(Tentoumushi: Japanese for Ladybug)
Petit Thunder
Twice Arm
Katai Tsume

16 87

Izzy (Koshiro) Izumi. Crest of knowledge. Partner Tentomon. Izzy is a computer expert and spends a lot of time figuring stuff out on his laptop. He is intelligent, curious, knowledgeable, resourceful, introverted, analytical, secretive & socially awkward.

4 12

(Tentoumushi: Japanese for Ladybug)
Petit Thunder
Twice Arm
Katai Tsume

0 2

Estos son mis 4 favoritos:

Tia Ludomon

Siento que cada uno representa algo que me gusta o con lo que me siento identificado.

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wait did koushiro give tentomon the nickname tento-san omg my heart

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Who are your Favorite Rookie Digimon? Mine are Tentomon, Floramon, Keramon and Renamon.

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No soy de dibujar seguido pero me gustaría ponerme las pilas y me dijeron que si encontraba el personaje "ideal" para practicar iba a ser mas entretenido....creo que la encontre👀 hasta me dieron ganas de hacerle un Sprite desspues de Tentomon🐞.

1 8

Izzy (Koshiro) Izumi. Crest of knowledge. Partner Tentomon. Izzy is a computer expert and spends a lot of time figuring stuff out on his laptop. He is intelligent, curious, knowledgeable, resourceful, introverted, analytical, secretive & socially awkward.

5 12