Fan art, Guy and Eep enjoying the peace while they can, she's pregnant ~

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"How did the tiger fly, Guy?"
"You already know how... just like this!"

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Idk why I ever thought using this stock pose was a good idea.
Basically Guy is starting to hold her up so Eep can finally 'fly' lol
Used various references from both movies and just about died

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Only sleep pile Guy likes ~

Saw a cute stock photo that reminded of them, so drew it :U also plz keep any lewd comments tame, they're just snuggling >.>

Some nice mood setting music:

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/ mondial :
- démarre plutôt bien. 🐱🐭
- dépasse les 400 millions de $ sur le Monde !
- en lente fin de carrière.🐢
- au ralenti.🐌
(cc )

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Idk whether to praise myself or kick my own ass for drawing something this complex. They're on the bridge outside their treehouse, Guy knows how to set the mood ~

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“Can our home have flowers?”
"Sure can! And butterflies!"
"And a sweet babbling brook?"
"And most of all... Privacy!"
Guy and Eep having a little moment alone together, maybe we ought to leave them alone, Guy likes his privacy ~ :U

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Grug and Ugga in their prime before the birth of their children. Totally convinced Grug had a nice amount of hair until Eep was born, raising her made most of it fall out :"D

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/ mondial :
- dépasse les 100 millions de $ !
- n°1 ce Weekend aux USA.
- en attente des prochaines sorties. 👹
- au ralenti. 🐢
(cc )

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Sandy and her wolf spider ~ I like thinking she spends most of her time with the pack, they'll go hunting and exploring together. Sometimes she's gone for days at a time but Sandy always comes back home eventually and never roams to far.

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I couldn't resist drawing this. Initially I was gonna use Eep but then I remembered she probably would be more likely to give Hogga a knife than freak out about it if we take in her interaction with Dawn into account lmao

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