Definitely . Mint day today! Besides the amazing art the project wants to raise awareness for body dysmorphia, a mental health disorder that a lot of people deal with. 20% of mint and secondary sales will be donated to charity.

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artwork is unmatched in the NFt space we are truly thankful and honored to have as our artist. premint is upon us jus a couple hrs away stay woke lol.

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will be taking over the NFt space in a matter of hrs after our mint ❤️😎🤗. Please join us and come be apart of our mental health awareness journey.

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If your looking for a great project with a beautifully strong discord community?! Look no further than we are changing things to a social Flex with love.😎❤️

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mint is going live in a couple hrs❤️🤗 please don't miss out on one if not the best NFT project of this 2022 year. Pushing mental health awareness far & wide to all 😎🤟🏼.

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I'm super bullish on and today I'ma prove just how much when our mint starts 🤗❤️😎after today I will officially be an humanians holder.

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let's show web3 and the NFT space how loving and caring humanians community is pushing mental health awareness globally together ❤️😎🤟🏼

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are a very promising project to get involved into. The community is full of ambitious young leaders pushing mental health awareness to all ❤️😎🤟🏼. I'm so honored to be in the Humanians discord.

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are a loving community pushing mental health awareness to people of all walks of life ❤️🤟🏼 mint is may 5th don't miss out

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is 1 of IF not the BEST NFT project of this 2022 year. They're community is pushing mental health awareness globally ❤️ with love and jaw dropping artwork. Don't miss out on our mint date may 5th 2022.

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are a elite group of people looking to push awareness on mental health issues and they using Love as their tool. Don't miss out on the next NFt project most likely to moon this 2022 year.❤️😎

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is holding some of the best NFT artwork I've seen in the whole web3 and NFt space period. They're pushing mental health awareness and spreading love globally ❤️🌎.

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This is a honor...5 really!?!❤️🤗 love is shown in our generosity. Giving back to one is a grand way to show you love and care . Humanians never cease to amaze me. If your reading this I love you 💕

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are most definitely the only project I'm focused on. The idea behind this project speaks volumes to me and the community discord is full of love and prosperity ☺️it's truly a honor to b a Humanian.

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Okay, this is My favourite Humanians art🥺
The colors>>>>>>> and I absolutely love the gradient background. This is beautiful!
You could check my header to see my second best🤭😅

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we at are so happy and honored to have you join our quest on spreading love 💕 and mental health awareness globally together ❤️ to people of all walks of life.
Welcome 🤗

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is definitely one of IF not the best NFT project of the year most likely to moon to infinity and beyond. The community discord is very energetic and full of ambitious young leaders pushing mental health awareness globally ❤️

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I mean look at this art!!!⚡️ It's so unique and colorful🌈✨
The project is aimed at helping people love themselves and their body. Wonderful artist !
btw, there's still a time to join the raffle 👇👇👇

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