Sometimes ... I feel like I'm in a cage ... Do you ever feel like that ?! 🙄 Again Friday and again my "thought" for and 🍋

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from ~ "I believe the greatest privilege in this world is to use your freedom of speech for those who have no voice."

Speak up for with one of these tops. All are available in a variety of style and colours from

25 30

Pls staaahp! Just STAHP IT!
You are embarrassing meeee! 😐😑 It not even always political stuff hahah... some stuff we do is just so dumb, whyyy??

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“Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.” -- (Native American Pverb)

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from ~ "If you don't have empathy with animals, you don't have empathy at all".

Show you care about wildlife with a 'PROTECT ALL WILDLIFE' Badge, Car Sticker, Wristband or Conservation Pack available now at 🐾

212 330

Work and birdbots 1
Glyde 0

True that you can always stay beautifull... but
today is different... 😐🌹

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from . Animals don't have a voice so you'll NEVER stop hearing mine!!!


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The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will." 💭What do you want to be remembered for?

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What is essential to ourselves does not always look like progress to other people

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A mental health Need support with the Black Dog? Visit:

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from : "My brain just needs a little holiday, a little time, a little sunshine."

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