So this idea was given me by an American fan of a romantic crossover with Titanic. It was quite challenging because I mixed my style with the funny face that has in anime.😁

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Meu nome é Cath e eu sou fã do neto do único japonês tripulante do Titanic. Faço umas ilustrinhas!
Meu IG é tbm, caso alguém queira me seguir lá!
Eu indico minhas inspirações e parceiros em modo de ataque!:

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Somebody needs to splice Godzilla into Titanic. That'd be an interesting edition. Titanic: Kaiju Edition

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"Wei Ying, the boats are here. Wei Ying?"
WangXian Titanic AU
Where Lan Wangji, one of the successors of the wealthy Lan clan, was swept off his feet by a charming, smart and talented rootless wanderer named Wei Wuxian while on board the ship of dreams, Titanic.

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I found this on Google images while researching a video. Titanic-chan. Titanic. Fucking. Chan. I never would've thought Titanic enthusiasm and anime would crossover, but I guess Titanic was "unsinkable", so anything is possible.

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Some time ago I made this pic where Disco Bear and Pop appear as a couple recreating the famous scene of one of the films that have been made of the Titanic. And Cub? Well, he would be being taken care of by another person at that time.

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Welcome to beginner conspiracy theories, today we'll be talking about the Titanic.

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The last dude I hooked up with told me he was named after Jack from Titanic. This is how I felt hearing that:

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Roger Corman's TITANIC. My friend sent me this video and asked, "What happens next?"

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With Xmas gone I took to the gym to help us get titanic. Ive gotten stares and guys literally all over my cock but Im more interested in my derg that I’ve been feeding and giving tons of “protein” to, gotta keep growing that gut :9

🎨: ! He’s so kind/adept!

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I'm crying now. I don't need to whatch Titanic. 😭

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Hans Hillmann's TITANIC.

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the band gang watches titanic. discuss.

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The set for the stern sinking scene in the 1997 movie Titanic.

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Commission for Alstor! Byron's thighs are titanic.

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So that's what *really* happened to the Titanic... That iceberg story was just a cover-up!

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This photo shows some of the last food served on the Titanic. We hope you will join us on the 29th of November for the film. Bistro 1882 will be serving those with 1st and 2nd class tickets prior to the film. Tickets at Eventbrite:

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Día 11 Todos sabemos lo que ocurrió en el Titanic. Maria Beasely ha salvado miles de vidas con su invento: el bote salvavidas.

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